We had a fun filled weekend at home. It's late fall which means Halloween, short cool days, start of daylight savings and good climbing.
The weekend started with a birthday party at our house for our good friend, Kathy. Parker did all the planning and we just provided the house- from now on we want every party at our house planned by someone else.
Rich dressed as the lead singer for Living Color from one of their videos (can't remember which) and I was a cabaret dancer.
Mara the Viking, Genevieve a Bavarian Maid, Parker the Preacher
The birthday girl, Kathy, another very cute Bavarian maid.

The next day Rich and I did some climbing at our local crag, unoriginally named Omak Rock. Rich has had a date with a particular climb, Omak Crack 5.11+, for some time. He'd been on it before, but never did it completely clean. Yesterday was his day and Omak Crack was easily scaled by Rich without hardly a pause.
One satisfied guy.
After a fun day we headed out. The late afternoon sun was gorgeous, the air was clear and the clouds were poetic, making for great picture taking conditions.
By the time we made it to the car the sun was going down and the moon was coming up.
That night we had 200 trick or treaters from 6-7:15. We ran out of candy. If we'd gotten home earlier and had more candy we probably would have had 300+.