Sunday, February 21, 2010

N. Cascades Winter

Stable snow and good weather have made for a great winter so far. 

The big kids from the West side came and we skied this line.  
It was steep.

Blue Bird day with Chris, Josh and Dani


The bottom of our run

Next is a beautiful day in Silver Star basin, starting at 11:15 am with a mad dash to catch up with Wyatt and his friend from Oregon.

They must be close, right?

Time to break trail

and boot pack

Burgundy Spire Col

Heaven, and just enough light to ski down.

Trip to Salt Lake in January

We went to SLC for a week in January.  We stayed with Rob and Rina, both at their place in SLC and their new, snazzy condo in Park City.  We skiied the Canyons, Alta, Snow Basin and Park City. We got some nice powder at the Canyons early in the week, then it was mostly groomers and cut up back country touring from the resorts.  Avalanche danger was very high, so no back country touring for Rich:(

Park City.

Skiing down to Rob and Rina's condo, the one straight ahead.

Decadent deserts.

All the stars were out at the Sundance Film Festival...
We saw about 8 movies, sometimes 2 in one day.  We had so much fun combining skiing and the film festival, that we're thinking of making at an annual tradition.